Sunday, November 2, 2008


Tyler's 10th birthday was on Oct. 27th. Seriously- how did he get that old this fast? Where did my super-chunk big baby go? Ten years has gone by so quickly! Why does he insist on growing up-- doesn't he know every year he has a birthday, I get older, too?

Despite the fact that I had told Tyler I refused to let him have another birthday, we did have a little family party with the usual cake and presents. I had seen a cake in a magazine that I thought would be fun to make for Tyler-- not baby-ish, but still cooler than a plain frosted one. Tyler surprised me a little by his gratitude for my efforts, so that was nice! :)

Instead of a "friend" party this year, we gave him the option of Ryan taking him and a friend to Six Flags, so Tyler brought along our cousin Andrew-- who brought sisters Kaitlyn and Jessica, and Kait's boyfriend, Chris. Actually, Chris brought everyone, since he drove up here from Corpus Christi. Ryan doesn't usually do roller coasters, but he did pretty well despite his tendency towards becoming green and passing out once they're over. (hahaha) Tyler had a blast and went on every big roller coaster in the park--some of them twice-- and had a great day! I'm so glad "the cousins" could make it up here to go with him!


The HousewifeTravels said...

Sounds like a great bday. 10 years old? We're old!

The Harbertson's said...

HI!!! I love blogging!! I am so glad your mom guided me to your blog. Your family is darling, I love being able to see how you are doing and I am so thrilled your little guy is doing good health wise. Congratulations on your new little one!!! I hope you are feeling great.
Love ya,

Julie said...

I love your cake! It looks professional. I can't believe your kids are growing up so much. Ten years! He sure was a cute baby, too.

kerri ann said...

I'm with Ronelle on that one... we are getting old. That is weird.